Knowledge Base



Products & Services

The modu­lar KOMA sys­tem is a com­plex buil­ding sys­tem. We not only pro­du­ce the modu­les but also design and imple­ment modu­lar structures.

Facade systems

We will help you cho­o­se a faca­de sys­tem most sui­table for you. The final appea­ran­ce of your modu­lar buil­ding sole­ly depends on your wish and archi­tectu­ral design.

Accessories and equipment

We offer a wide vari­e­ty of acces­so­ries and inter­nal equi­p­ment for the modu­lar KOMA con­structi­on. The wide selecti­on of flo­ors, sani­ta­ry equi­p­ment, fil­ling panels and other acces­so­ries is further sup­ple­men­ted by addi­ti­o­nal equi­p­ment, such as fen­cing, stai­r­ca­ses and other acces­so­ries for your building.