Is KOMA Modu­lar the manu­factu­rer of the who­le sys­tem from A to Z or is it just an assem­bly hall?

KOMA Modu­lar makes the who­le sys­tem in-hou­se, from pre­pa­rati­on of the ste­el load-bea­ring fra­me, being the only manu­factu­rer in the Czech Repub­lic making gal­va­ni­sed she­et metal fra­mes, to com­ple­te installati­on of all requi­red fea­tu­res inclu­ding vari­ous faca­de finishes. The manu­factu­re in addi­ti­on takes pla­ce in sophis­ti­ca­ted halls under pro­found qua­li­ty surveillance.