What is the sco­pe (spe­ci­fi­cati­on) of assem­bly per­for­med by KOMA Modu­lar abroad?

Abroad KOMA Modu­lar imple­ments all assem­bly work abo­ve the foun­dati­on gap. Due to the dif­fe­ren­ces in spe­ci­fic requi­re­ments of dif­fe­rent coun­tries KOMA most­ly does not per­form earth move­ment and foun­dati­on work, infrastructu­re con­necti­ons and engi­nee­ring on fore­ign sites. If the cus­to­mer requi­res this work as well KOMA usu­ally has it done by local com­pa­nies for a charge.