Com­fort­Li­ne - M

Low-Ener­gy Modu­lar Buil­dings - ComfortLine

Mercedes among modules – low-energy construction option.

When you ask satis­fied owners of modu­lar buil­dings what aspects of these structu­res they appre­ci­a­te the most, the­ir answers are clear. These buil­dings are unri­va­led in the­ir mobi­li­ty and abi­li­ty to save the owner’s money and time, as well as the envi­ron­ment. Some low-ener­gy hou­ses offer sig­ni­fi­cant ener­gy savings in com­pa­ri­son to tra­di­ti­o­nal buil­dings. This is due, in par­ticu­lar, to the appli­cati­on of eco­no­mi­cal and envi­ron­men­tally fri­en­dly hea­ting sys­tems and the installati­on of effi­ci­ent wall, roof and flo­or ther­mal insu­lati­on to mini­mi­ze ther­mal bridging.

Have you always been dreaming of having a house built exactly according to your wishes?

Well, modu­lar homes can make your dre­ams come true. The­ir gre­at vari­a­bi­li­ty makes them the num­ber 1 cho­ice of even the most deman­ding cus­to­mers. Modu­lar homes pro­vi­de ide­al spa­ce for your busi­ness needs and the­ir sco­pe of appli­cati­on is wide, allowing for uti­li­zati­on in the realm of edu­cati­on or in reti­re­ment and modern housing development.The modu­les will satis­fy even the most deman­ding clients

The facade can be either futuristic or natural

Let’s start with the faca­de, for exam­ple. You can cho­o­se from a wide ran­ge of siding mate­ri­als fea­tu­ring dif­fe­rent pro­per­ties. Whi­le some peo­ple pre­fer ultra­mo­dern, futu­ris­tic siding, giving the structu­re a sci-fi edge, others cho­o­se more modest, natu­ral mate­ri­als to make the hou­se blend in with the surroun­ding envi­ron­ment. The possi­bi­li­ties are vir­tu­ally limit­less. It all depends on the archi­tect’s abi­li­ty to take the cli­en­t’s ide­as and trans­form them into a hou­se that is in har­mo­ny with its surroundings.

Your house can come with a huge glass wall

The hou­se design can be varied further even after the exter­nal finish has been selec­ted. Win­dows and doors also play an impor­tant role in the final look of the buil­ding. The­ir spa­cing and size are com­ple­te­ly up to you. Modu­lar homes can be out­fit­ted with small win­dows as well as enor­mous glass walls to let in a maxi­mum amount of sunlight.

Wide selection of interior designs

Aga­in, you your­self can cho­o­se the design that suits you best. Stan­dard modu­lar hou­se inte­ri­ors inclu­de a bathro­om, kit­chen, offi­ce spa­ce, as well as living quar­ters. You will be given a free reign in cho­o­sing the ide­al inte­ri­or. Inte­ri­or tiling and flo­o­ring can come in many sha­pes. Would you like cera­mic tiles in the bathro­om and a cement flo­or in the offi­ce? No pro­blem. The unique appea­ran­ce of the enti­re spa­ce could be per­ha­ps further enhan­ced by a wood-bur­ning sto­ve. The tiling and flo­o­ring mate­ri­als com­mon­ly used in con­ven­ti­o­nal buil­dings can be rea­di­ly uti­li­zed for modu­lar construction.

Realization of your modular home should be overseen by professionals.

To ensu­re high qua­li­ty, you should seek the ser­vi­ces of an expe­ri­en­ced and repu­table com­pa­ny. The hou­se will be manu­factu­red within a few mon­ths of pla­cing your order. The time-fra­me for the con­structi­on pha­se is vir­tu­ally a couple of days. Cho­o­se a modu­lar hou­se for your new restau­rant or offi­ce spa­ce, which will help you save time and money and spa­re you of a hea­dache in the process.