Logis­tics services


A team of pro­fes­si­o­nals will secu­re trans­port of the modu­les to the cus­to­mer’s desig­na­ted destination.

We offer com­plex turn­key logis­tic solu­ti­ons for indi­vi­du­al trans­ports as well as com­ple­te pro­jects con­nec­ted with over­si­ze trans­port, from the pro­po­sal of an opti­mum solu­ti­on, the arran­ge­ment of trans­port per­mis­si­on and safe passage by expe­ri­en­ced spe­ci­a­lists up to assistan­ce acti­vi­ties, inclu­ding the installati­on or remo­val of road equi­p­ment along the rou­te. We also offer con­sul­tati­on on futu­re pro­jects invol­ving over­si­ze trans­port and assistan­ce in the selecti­on of the most sui­table method of over­si­ze trans­port in Euro­pe, as well as in con­necti­on with other modes of trans­port all over the world. The trans­port is secu­red by road, rail, sea and com­bi­ned methods. We also offer air trans­port for collap­si­ble types of con­ta­i­ners and parts.

Our benefits:

  • exper­ti­se – in the sphe­re of spe­cial trans­port, we coo­pe­ra­te only with renow­ned part­ners; in sea and rail trans­port, we use only pro­ven ship-owners and operators
  • road trans­port by means of spe­cial sin­gle-pur­po­se vehicles with crews that are regu­lar­ly tra­i­ned in issu­es invol­ving over­si­ze transport
  • com­plex ser­vi­ce – over­si­ze per­mits, per­mits to enter town cen­t­res, rou­ting with regard to modu­le dimensi­ons, accom­pa­ni­ment of over­si­ze trans­ports, etc.
  • care for the trans­por­ted modu­les – we obser­ve the tech­ni­cal stan­dards VDI2702, VDI2700, EN 12195, EN 12640 - 42 and follow the so-called safe car­go” rules
  • car­go insu­ran­ce – as a stan­dard ser­vi­ce, we pro­vi­de insu­ran­ce on the trans­por­ted car­go pur­su­ant to the CMR Convention
  • cus­toms dec­la­rati­ons – we arran­ge cus­toms dec­la­rati­ons for export from the EU, cus­toms clea­ran­ce in the port, rail docu­men­tati­on, etc., based on the con­trac­ted pari­ty and the selec­ted mode of trans­port; we arran­ge the acti­vi­ties of cus­toms projects
  • export pac­king – we per­form export pac­king of indi­vi­du­al modu­les pur­su­ant to the tech­ni­cal regu­lati­ons of road, rail and sea transport
  • sto­rage – we pro­vi­de sto­rage ser­vi­ces, inclu­ding tho­se of a cus­toms warehouse
  • han­d­ling – we arran­ge loa­ding on the means of trans­port, ancho­rage pur­su­ant to tech­ni­cal regu­lati­ons, translo­a­ding between the trans­port means, unlo­a­ding and pla­cing the indi­vi­du­al modu­les in sets; we secu­re sling equi­p­ment. Our spe­ci­a­lists alwa­ys cal­cu­la­te the opti­mum use of cra­ne equi­p­ment (with regard to capa­ci­ty and spe­ci­fic local conditions)

Installation on the site

Upon cus­to­mer request we pro­vi­de com­ple­te installati­on on the site for inland cus­to­mers or broad. We make the installati­on on the site by super­vi­sing or we inspi­ra­te the customer´s for the­ir own installati­on on the site.

Assem­bly team come into con­tact with cus­to­mers, so the selecti­on of assem­bly wor­kers are just as impor­tant cha­rac­ter such as specialization.