
Warranty and post-warranty service

Our com­pa­ny has seve­ral ser­vi­ce teams that are equip­ped with the tech­ni­cal equi­p­ment essen­tial for them to be able to respond within the shor­test possi­ble time to your ser­vi­ce requests both in the warran­ty and post-warran­ty period.


If in futu­re you will need to chan­ge the lay­out of a modu­lar object or chan­ge the locati­on of win­dows, doors and the like, our com­pa­ny is rea­dy to meet your requi­re­ments. If this con­cerns the modi­fi­cati­on of an exis­ting object, we car­ry this out on site accor­ding to a pre-appro­ved sco­pe of works, bud­get and dead­li­ne. We also per­form the indi­vi­du­al refur­bis­hment of con­ta­i­ners made by us on our pro­ducti­on line. The refur­bis­hment dead­li­ne is affec­ted by the pro­ducti­on rate and planning.