Octo­ber’s Colour­ful CITY Modu­les at the Sig­nal Fes­ti­val and Designblok 2015

10. 11. 2015 | E-bulettin

In recent mon­ths, KOMA­’s CITY Modu­les have once aga­in been on dis­play. In Octo­ber 2015 it was possi­ble to visit them at a num­ber of locati­ons in Pra­gue. Apart from the very popu­lar Sig­nal light fes­ti­val, a num­ber of modu­les were also dis­pla­yed at the con­current design tra­de fair Designblok 2015.

As part of the Sig­nal Fes­ti­val, two CITY modu­les at Náměs­tí repub­li­ky pro­vi­ded faci­li­ties for the unique installati­on Cita­dels by Dutch artist Matthijs Mun­nik, com­posed of two light boxes filled with unsett­ling fla­shing lights and sound waves.

Visi­tors to Designblok were also able to stop at a num­ber of whi­te CITY Modu­les, whe­re in coo­pe­rati­on with the com­pa­nies mmci­té and Big­Bo­ard Pra­gue, installati­ons were erec­ted for the ini­ti­a­ti­ve For a Bet­ter City“, which aims to draw atten­ti­on to the low qua­li­ty of street fur­ni­tu­re in Pra­gue. CITY modu­les pro­ved to be revi­ta­li­sing urban ele­ments which were also sui­table for the his­to­ri­cal surroundings.

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