Marmol Radzimer Prefab - KOMA MODULAR (en)

Mar­mol Rad­zi­mer Prefab

01. 01. 2010 | Examples of international modular projects

Mar­mol Rad­zi­ner Pre­fab Com­pa­ny is an Ame­ri­can com­pa­ny based in Los Ange­les, which is enga­ging in modu­lar con­structi­on. As a sup­por­ting structu­re is used a ste­el sup­por­ting fra­me same as in our com­pa­ny. In 2005 was designed the desert hou­se by the archi­tects Ron Rad­zi­ner and Leo Mar­mol. They used and veri­fied the poten­tial of modu­lar con­structi­on. The enti­re inter­view with the authors of the hou­se you can read here. A pro­ducti­on video you can see here.