Archi­tectu­rally Pure Modu­lar Offi­ce Sanibell

01. 01. 2011 | Examples of international modular projects

We would like to pre­sent here the inspi­ring work of Dutch stu­dio ROO­SROS archi­tek­ten, which designed an uno­btru­si­ve but inspi­rati­o­nal modu­lar offi­ce for SANI BELL BV, who­se design honours the com­pa­ny­’s phi­lo­so­phy. Sani­bell is a com­pa­ny that deli­vers fur­ni­tu­re of the highest qua­li­ty, inclu­ding bathro­om accessories.

The buil­ding is cha­rac­te­ri­zed by across-stac­ked modu­les, which cre­a­te a natu­ral tensi­on, but not at the expen­se of light­ness and ele­gan­ce, which is also accen­tua­ted by the adjo­i­ning water sur­fa­ce. All of this under­li­nes the mate­ri­als used and the top qua­li­ty of refi­ned details. Eve­ry­thing is excep­ti­o­nally sty­lish. The plas­ter, the use of glass, and the extre­me­ly thin win­dow fra­mes give the buil­ding an air of sim­pli­ci­ty, cle­an­ness and perfection. 

In con­trast with the exte­ri­or, the inte­ri­or is per­ha­ps unex­pec­ted­ly robust and resistant. The con­structi­on mate­ri­als, which are demon­stra­ted in the­ir natu­ral sta­te, are appa­rent and are unco­ve­red in all installati­ons. After see­ing the exte­ri­or, the inte­ri­or has a sur­pri­sin­g­ly industrial feel.

Even in this pro­ject, modu­lar archi­tectu­re pro­ves that when high-qua­li­ty archi­tects are in char­ge of a pro­ject, the result is an ele­gant and attracti­ve buil­ding. It depends only on the cou­rage and cre­a­ti­vi­ty of the architects.

Archi­tects: Roo­sRos Architecten 

Whe­re: Oud-Bei­jer­land, the Netherlands 

Pro­ducti­on year: 2013

Pho­to­gra­phs: P. Kamp