01. 01. 2011 | Examples of international modular projects

Japan modu­lar hotel

The group of Japa­ne­se archi­tects YASU­TAKA YOSHI­MU­RA ARCHI­TECTS has designed and imple­men­ted a modu­lar apart­ment com­plex on the coast of Yokohama.

The last win­ners of the archi­tectu­ral com­pe­ti­ti­ons, Mr. Tomáš Henel and Mr. Ondřej Fia­la, have inde­pen­dly designed a simi­lar apart­ment com­plex. This shows the cre­a­ti­vi­ty of young Czech and Slo­vak archi­tects and the using of modu­lar con­structi­on in practi­se. We belie­ve that we will see the simi­lar designes in the 5th annu­al of archi­tectu­ral com­pe­ti­ti­on that will end on Febru­a­ry 282011.

The apart­ment com­plex on the coast of Yoko­ha­ma was built up from modu­les that were pro­du­ced in Thai­land, trans­por­ted to Japan and than assem­bled the­re. The each dwel­ling unit is made up of two modu­les that are pla­ced upon them­self. The­re are a kit­chen and a living room on the ground flo­or. These two modu­les are con­nec­ted with mini­ma­list inte­ri­or stairs. On the first flo­or the­re is a bedro­om with cei­ling-win­dow to the living room. A lar­ge bathro­om is loca­ted on the ground flo­or under the bedro­om. The natu­ral lighting in each modu­le is ensu­red by win­dows pla­ced across the front side of each module.