Award for Gre­en­fab Modu­lar House

01. 01. 2013 | Examples of international modular projects

We are hap­py to say that the modu­lar buil­ding from Gre­en­fab was awar­ded the cer­ti­fi­cati­on of the USGBC (U.S.Green Buil­ding Coun­cil), the so called LEED Pla­ti­num for gre­en con­structi­ons and design. Gre­en­fab focuses on the pro­ducti­on of cost-saving pre­fab­ri­ca­ted modu­lar hou­ses. The awar­ded hou­se is part of the 1300 Series Gre­en­fab and has been designed to maxi­mi­ze heal­th and ener­gy effi­ci­ency in a mini­mal spa­ce. The hou­se con­sists of a living room, a kit­chen, two bedro­oms and two bathro­oms and, as a bonus, a room that can be used as an offi­ce or a wor­kro­om. The outer she­athing pro­vi­des enou­gh spa­ce for plants, which also shows that the buil­ding is envi­ron­ment-fri­en­dly. In the Czech repub­lic ener­gy-saving hou­ses are gai­ning ground very slowly, but we belie­ve that the low-ener­gy hou­ses pro­du­ced by our com­pa­ny within the Com­fort pro­ducti­on line will find not only admi­rers of its attracti­ve design, but also its customers.