A-Cero and modu­lar construction

01. 01. 2013 | Examples of international modular projects

La Coru­ña, Spain

The archi­tectu­ral com­pa­ny A-cero, Joa­quin Torres kept by his part­ner and Rafa­el Lla­ma­za­res, is an impor­tant Spa­nish archi­tectu­ral com­pa­ny that designs buil­dings of vari­ous pur­po­ses. Besi­des con­cre­te buil­dings they have designed a lot of modu­lar hou­ses (Hou­se of BASIC, from 85 to 132 meters squa­re), which ful­fill requi­re­ments for qua­li­ty and che­ap hou­se. Effecti­ve faca­de is lined with black glas­sed boards.

Thanks to the use of whi­te you can feel fre­sh­ness and bright­ness. The inte­ri­or bright­ness is also emha­zi­sed by the whi­te terraz­zo flo­or. This mate­rial is for buil­ders affor­da­ble and yet functional.

The hou­se has a usa­ble area of 106 m². The hou­se is com­posed of three bedro­oms, two bathro­oms, hall, living-dining area, laun­d­ry and kit­chen. It costs 99 000 Euro. Also the functi­o­nal and modern fur­ni­tu­re is designed by designers of A-cero. The hou­se, equi­p­ment and fur­ni­tu­re was rea­li­zed by com­pa­ny Cán­di­do Hermida.