3rd annual of architectural competition
15. 09. 2008 | News
KOMA MODULAR CONSTRUCTION company announces the third annual architectural competition for Czech and Slovakian architecture and construction students. This year’s competition is aimed at a design for a MODULAR KINDERGARTEN. By using a space modulation system, the investor utilises the irreplaceable possibility of disassembly and repeated assembly at a place where there is a greater need for space for pre-school education. He/she also utilises the benefits of speed and last but not least the price advantage. The celebratory declaration of the competition’s results will take place during the 30th annual CONECO international construction fair in Bratislava. 1st place will be rewarded with CZK 30 thousand, 2nd place will get CZK 20 thousand, and 3rd place will receive CZK 10 thousand.