The lar­gest sup­plier of elect­ri­ci­ty in Czech Repub­lic - ČEZ

11. 08. 2008 | News

The lar­gest czech sup­plier of elect­rictiy, takes site equi­p­ment from KOMA MODU­LAR CON­STRUCTI­ON. ČEZ signed long-term co-ope­rati­on on sup­plies of site equi­p­ment for moder­ni­sing the­ir coal elect­ri­ci­ty plants. This ener­gy giant valu­ed main­ly the qua­li­ty of pro­ces­sing about KOMA brand pro­ducts and also that the com­pa­ny KOMA MODU­LAR CON­STRUCTI­ON is the only one in the Czech Repub­lic and in Slo­va­kia that pro­du­ces con­ta­i­ners from gal­va­ni­sed she­et metal as stan­dard, inclu­ding the ske­le­ton, by which it sig­ni­fi­cant­ly incre­a­ses the life­ti­mes of its pro­ducts. KOMA sup­plies these bene­fits without any pri­ce increase.