4th annu­al of archi­tectu­ral competition

18. 11. 2009 | News

The com­pa­ny KOMA MODU­LAR CON­STRUCTI­ON s.r.o. has alrea­dy announ­ced 4th annu­al of archi­tectu­ral com­pe­ti­ti­on for stu­dents of archi­tectu­re and con­structi­on in the Czech Repub­lic and Slo­vak Repub­lic. This year the com­pa­ny responds to the needs of low-cost small-sca­le star­ter flats. Current­ly lack of small-sca­le flats at a mar­ket and buil­ding of flat-buil­dings from spa­tial modu­les is a solu­ti­on to meet the housing needs of young fami­lies or for sin­gle seniors.

Hou­ses built from spa­tial modu­les bring bene­fits for inves­tors, main­ly the buil­ding-up is 4 times fas­ter than the stan­dard method, the pri­ce is about 30% bet­ter than a simi­lar hou­se built by default and irrepla­ce­a­ble advan­tage is that the hou­ses of these spa­tial modu­les can be disas­sem­bled and rebu­ilt on a new pla­ce. For this rea­son, it is possi­ble to build also on sites, which are going to be used for dif­fe­rent rea­sons than housing use in the futu­re or the buil­ding may be sold to ano­ther inves­tor with no ties to the land or after using it can be disas­sem­bled and sold indi­vi­du­al modu­les. Modu­les can be added or remo­ved accor­ding to needs without ope­rati­on limitation.


Pre­vi­ous three years of archi­tectu­ral com­pe­ti­ti­ons have shown that the buil­ding of spa­cial modu­les appeals to young archi­tects. The current peri­od is cha­rac­te­ri­zed by rapid spe­ed chan­ges and nothing can be take as per­ma­nent. This cha­rac­te­ris­tics suits the con­structi­on of spa­tial modu­les. Young archi­tects quick­ly rea­li­zed that this sys­tem by its uti­li­ty per­fecti­on is possi­ble to bring near aesthe­tic per­fecti­on. In recent years won main­ly the pro­po­sals, which by the­ir pac­kage homo­ge­ni­ty gave to excel the­ir con­tent. Efforts to cover spa­tial modu­les by vari­ous kinds of she­et so that the appea­ran­ce of the buil­ding was like a buil­ding built by stan­dard methods, whe­re not suc­cess­ful in front of jury.

Spa­tial modu­les are manu­factu­red on a pro­ducti­on line like cars. The sup­por­ting fra­me con­sists of a ske­le­ton of zinc-coa­ted metal she­et and gra­du­ally is spa­tial modu­le set up with flo­or, cei­ling, walls, fills holes, elect­ri­cal, sani­ta­ry equi­p­ment and the final sur­fa­ce. 90% work is done on the manu­factu­ring flo­or, as a per­ma­nent chan­ge, a per­ma­nent moni­to­ring of qua­li­ty. 10% of the con­structi­on is done on buil­ding site, brow­sing throu­gh assem­bly, whe­re the indi­vi­du­al spa­tial modu­les, brow­sing throu­gh assem­bly, held on the rea­dy foun­dati­on to the final form of a building.

Last year, the spa­tial modu­lati­on cele­bra­ted fif­ty years sin­ce its incep­ti­on, in the U.S. has built the first hou­se of spa­tial modu­les in con­for­mi­ty with buil­ding stan­dards. Modu­lar con­structi­on ensu­res com­pli­an­ce all heal­th, heat, fire and sta­tic requirements.Thermal insu­la­ting pro­per­ties of the modu­lar buil­ding are even higher than stan­dard buil­ding. The walls of spa­tial modu­les are made of san­dwich structu­res, which have found appli­cati­on in buil­ding pas­si­ve hou­ses. The com­pa­ny KOMA MODU­LAR CON­STRUCTI­ON has in pro­ducti­on pro­gram also ener­gy-effi­ci­ent modu­le, type labe­led M3. By deve­lo­p­ment of this ener­gy-effi­ci­ent modu­le, the com­pa­ny com­bi­ned the advan­tages of por­table buil­dings and ener­gy-effi­ci­ent buildings.