The inno­va­ti­ve com­pa­ny of Zlín region

06. 10. 2009 | News

KOMA MODU­LAR CON­STRUCTI­ON has got a honou­ra­ble men­ti­o­ne at pre­li­mi­na­ry year of enter­pre­ne­u­rial sub­jects com­pe­ti­ti­on with name Inno­va­ti­ve com­pa­ny of Zlin regi­on“. The Zlin regi­on hetman heral­der results of pre­mie­re year on the last day of Sep­te­me­ber 2009. In com­pe­ti­ti­on with 22 com­pe­ti­tor com­pa­nies won the com­pa­ny 5M, s.r.o. from Kuno­vi­ce with inno­va­ti­ve acti­vi­ties and with it con­nec­ted eco­no­mi­cal results. This com­pa­ny pro­du­ces glu­es, com­posi­te and san­dwich mate­ri­als for a wide use espe­ci­ally in the sphe­re of air­pla­nes pro­du­ti­on, con­ta­i­ners and road carri­a­ges, spor­ting goods and buil­ding industries. 

Com­pe­ti­ti­on orga­ni­zers appre­ci­a­ted inno­va­ti­ve acti­vi­ties of regi­o­nal com­pa­nies also with two honou­ra­ble men­ti­ons during cere­mo­nial Wednesday´s eve­ning at the Baťa´s residence. 

The first one got the com­pa­ny Koma Modu­lar Con­structi­on, s.r.o. from Vizo­vi­ce, which is pro­ducting spa­ce moduls and dwel­ling con­ta­i­ner and which is lea­der and pro­pa­ga­tor of modu­lar buil­ding-up in Czech Repub­lic and Slo­vac republic. 

Honou­ra­ble men­ti­on got also engi­nee­ring com­pa­ny Taj­mac -ZPS, a.s. from Zlin, which is pro­ducting machi­ning and tur­ning cen­ters and also auto­ma­tic machi­nes. „ The com­pe­ti­ti­on pur­port was to appre­ci­a­te and pre­sent tho­se enter­pre­ne­u­rial sub­jects, which get gre­at resaults in the sphe­re of inno­vati­ons. I hope this com­pe­ti­ti­on con­tri­bu­te to unhi­de­ing of inno­vati­on acti­vi­ties all com­pe­ti­tor com­pa­nies and resaults will be appre­ci­a­ted, but also all other, by moti­vati­on to ano­ther pro­gress. Toge­ther throu­ght this com­pe­ti­ti­on we would like to pre­sent Zlín regi­on as an inno­vati­on regi­on and under­li­ne con­cre­te exam­ples of suc­cess­ful com­pa­nies, which are inte­res­ting in pre­sen­tati­on the­ir acti­vi­ties and estab­lished inno­va­ti­ve pro­ces­ses,“ told hetman of Zlín regi­on, Mr Sta­ni­slav Mišák.