The first modu­lar nur­se­ry scho­ol in Czech Republic

30. 09. 2009 | News

Czech Repub­lic has joi­ned among pro­gres­si­ve coun­tries, which sol­ve absen­ce of avai­la­ble capa­ci­ties at nur­se­ry scho­ols, by buil­ding por­table nur­se­ry scho­ols made form spa­ce modu­les. The town Rych­nov u Jab­lon­ce sol­ved its pro­blem of absen­ce capa­ci­ties this way.

Nur­se­ry scho­ol deli­ve­red an expert of modu­lar buil­ding the com­pa­ny KOMA MODU­LAR CON­STRUCTI­ON. The nur­se­ry scho­ol has two clas­sro­oms and social bac­kground and is engaged as a pilot pro­ject for other muni­ci­pa­li­ties, which are also sol­ving a simi­lar problem.

Modu­lar nur­se­ry scho­ols besi­des the­irs excellent heat qua­li­ties ful­fils all sani­ta­ry and fire-fighting requi­re­ments just as clas­sic buil­ding. In addi­ti­on a bar­ga­in pri­ce which is about 30% che­a­per than stan­darts buil­ding and with possi­bi­li­ty of disas­sem­bly and re-assem­bly in a new place.

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