Scho­ol for L’Aquila

21. 09. 2009 | News

The scho­ol for L Aqui­la. The com­pa­ny from Vizo­vi­ce, which is a pro­du­cer of modu­lar con­structi­ons, KOMA MODU­LAR CON­STRUCTI­ON fur­nished a scho­ol for ita­li­an town, which was affec­ted by destructi­o­nal earthqua­ke in April this year. The sin­gle-sto­ried scho­ol with twen­ty-two clas­sro­oms and area 1.300 m² con­ta­i­nes besi­des clas­sro­oms also admi­nis­trati­on rooms, labo­ra­to­ries, clo­ak-rooms and social sett­le­ment. The inte­res­ting thing is that the scho­ol was made, expor­ted to Ita­ly and assem­bled during seven weeks. 

The first con­tact with cli­ent was at the end of July and from Sep­tem­ber 21st, when ita­li­an scho­ol year has star­ted, scho­ol ser­ves for its pur­po­se. The scho­ol was finan­ced from ita­li­an sta­te resour­ces, so that the gre­at emphasis was put on per­for­man­ce of all fire-fighting and sani­ta­ry requi­re­ments, and authen­ti­cati­on of com­pe­ten­cy for pro­ducti­on inclu­ding all mate­rial cer­ti­fi­ca­tes. All requi­re­ments KOMA MODU­LAR CON­STRUCTI­ON realized. 

Buil­ding-up of por­table scho­ols, inclu­ding nur­se­ry scho­ols made from spa­ce modu­les, is qui­te com­mon round the world. An inves­tor is sol­ving absen­ce of avai­la­ble capa­ci­ties, which can acqui­re very fast and about 30% che­a­per then clas­sic buil­ding-up. In addi­ti­on the inves­tor need­n’t sol­ve pro­blems what to do with new capa­ci­ties when they are not need­full - the scho­ol is disas­sem­bly sim­ply and set up in a new pla­ce, whe­re is absen­ce of avai­la­ble capa­ci­ties. The inves­tor needn´t be afraid of unattracti­ve archi­tectu­ral out­ward, which pro­ve both made rea­li­zati­ons of modu­lar con­structi­ons and results of archi­tectu­ral com­pe­ti­ti­ons which this com­pa­ny from Vizo­vi­ce arran­ges for stu­dents of buil­ding and archi­tectu­ral colleges.

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