School for L’Aquila
21. 09. 2009 | News
The school for L ‚Aquila. The company from Vizovice, which is a producer of modular constructions, KOMA MODULAR CONSTRUCTION furnished a school for italian town, which was affected by destructional earthquake in April this year. The single-storied school with twenty-two classrooms and area 1.300 m² containes besides classrooms also administration rooms, laboratories, cloak-rooms and social settlement. The interesting thing is that the school was made, exported to Italy and assembled during seven weeks.
The first contact with client was at the end of July and from September 21st, when italian school year has started, school serves for its purpose. The school was financed from italian state resources, so that the great emphasis was put on performance of all fire-fighting and sanitary requirements, and authentication of competency for production including all material certificates. All requirements KOMA MODULAR CONSTRUCTION realized.
Building-up of portable schools, including nursery schools made from space modules, is quite common round the world. An investor is solving absence of available capacities, which can acquire very fast and about 30% cheaper then classic building-up. In addition the investor needn’t solve problems what to do with new capacities when they are not needfull - the school is disassembly simply and set up in a new place, where is absence of available capacities. The investor needn´t be afraid of unattractive architectural outward, which prove both made realizations of modular constructions and results of architectural competitions which this company from Vizovice arranges for students of building and architectural colleges.