A sig­ni­fi­cant hire ser­vi­ce Pho­enix Zeppe­lin coo­pe­ra­tes with our company

30. 04. 2009 | News

A sig­ni­fi­cant hire ser­vi­ce Pho­enix Zeppe­lin coo­pe­ra­tes with our com­pa­ny. Pho­enix Zeppe­lin estab­lished a narrow part­ner­ship with our sub­si­di­a­ry com­pa­ny - KOMA RENT which is focused on ren­ting dwel­ling and sani­ta­ry con­ta­i­ners. Both com­pa­nies exhi­bi­ted toge­ther at the Inter­nati­o­nal Con­structi­on Fair IBF 2009 in Brno. Pho­enix Zeppe­lin appre­ci­a­ted vari­a­bi­li­ty of C3V con­ta­i­ner with inter­chan­ge­a­ble walls which was used by the com­pa­ny as its own exhi­bi­ti­on stall.