New sani­ta­ry type TOITOI

09. 03. 2009 | News

The Euro­pe­an lea­der in ren­ting out the sani­ta­ry con­ta­i­ners and sani­ta­ry sys­tems assigned to KOMA MODU­LAR CON­STRUCTI­ON com­pa­ny the task of pro­du­cing a new sani­ta­ry con­ta­i­ner prototype.

The inte­ri­or of the con­ta­i­ner was designed in co-ope­rati­on with Ger­man archi­tects and is dif­fe­ren­ti­a­ted in its aspect from the exis­ting appea­ran­ce of sani­ta­ry con­ta­i­ners. The airy and attracti­ve design will cer­ta­in­ly win over many new cus­to­mers. The TOI-TOI firm has this design pro­tec­ted by copyright.