Investors appreciate portable buildings - KOMA MODULAR (en)

Inves­tors appre­ci­a­te por­table buildings

31. 01. 2009 | News

Inves­tors valu­ed the por­table buil­dings At the end of 2008 the com­pa­ny AAA auto valu­ed the irrepla­ce­a­ble attri­bu­te of the modu­lar con­structi­ons, which is the­ir abi­li­ty to be disas­sem­bled and reas­sem­bled. During one mon­th the who­le car showro­om inclu­ding the assem­bly hall was relo­ca­ted from Hra­dec Krá­lo­vé to Ostrava.