Social flats in Holešov

29. 09. 2010 | News

On Sep­tem­ber 29th, 2010 were ope­ned social hou­ses with flats for ina­dap­table citi­zen of the town Hole­šov. Our com­pa­ny was the gene­ral con­trac­tor, inclu­ding land­s­ca­ping, buil­ding-up a par­king site, out­do­or ben­ches, dri­vewa­ys, street lighting and fencing.The flats are loca­ted in terra­ced hou­ses, which con­ta­ins 17 flats with kit­chen and two rooms or with kit­chen and three rooms. The each flat is equip­ped with elect­ric hea­ters, shower, toi­let, boi­ler and a kit­chen-line with a ref­ri­ge­ra­tor. The each flat has a sepa­ra­te mete­ring of elect­ri­ci­ty and water. Besi­des the flats, one block inclu­des a spa­ce for bicycles, laun­d­ry room with con­necti­ons for washing machi­nes, sha­red kit­chen, toi­lets and a toi­let for disa­bled, sto­rage and a room for the buil­ding admi­nis­tra­tor. The flats are made in the ener­gy class C - costs saving. The flo­or insu­lati­on is made of mine­ral wool (80 mm) and Sty­rodur (30 mm). In the walls is mine­ral wool (120 mm), poly­sty­re­ne (30 mm) and plas­ter. In the cei­ling the­re is mine­ral wool (220 mm). The inves­tor of the acti­on was the city Hole­šov. For more see atta­ched photos.