Cros­sroads of Archi­tectu­re 2010

15. 08. 2010 | News

The com­pa­ny KOMA MODU­LAR CON­STRUCTI­ON is a major part­ner of the event The Cros­sroads of Archi­tectu­re, which is ori­en­ted on modu­lar con­structi­on and architecture.

The Cros­sroads of Archi­tectu­re have not been just only one-day con­fe­ren­ce, into the 2nd annu­al enter with 4-days student´s workshop, which is going to be managed by renow­ned Mexi­can archi­tect Michel Roj­kind. The ima­gi­na­ry dot after the workshop will be made by archi­tectu­ral exhi­bi­ti­ons, whe­re will be also pre­sen­ted results of the workshop or Michel Roj­kinds works.

The Cros­sroads of Archi­tectu­re con­fe­ren­ce is like ope­ning con­fe­ren­ce of the spe­cial accom­pa­y­ing pro­gram of the 21st Inter­nati­o­nal Buil­ding Fair FOR ARCH 2010, sub­tit­led follow-up at last annu­al: ele­gant, eco­lo­gi­cal, eco­no­mic, in the con­text of urban plan­ning. The main the­mes will be a modu­lar archi­tectu­re in the con­text of urba­nism and archi­tectu­rally pul­sing or pre­ser­ved Pra­gue. At the fina­le of the who­le pro­gram will be a lectu­re by Michel Rojkinda.

You can send up here.