Offi­ces for manu­factu­ring plant

29. 07. 2010 | News

Our com­pa­ny has deve­lo­ped a sys­tem of sup­ply of modu­lar buil­dings in the fol­ded sta­te, the so-called flat-pack modu­lar modu­le. The advan­tage is that, even at a distan­ce it is pro­fi­table for inves­tor to import our modu­les, which com­pe­te with pri­ce, qua­li­ty and spe­ed. Indi­vi­du­al modu­les are brou­ght in the fol­ded sta­te, than they are disar­ticu­la­ted and assem­bled. The final buil­ding is then she­athed with an attracti­ve facade.