Alpi­ne school

07. 06. 2010 | News

Our pro­ducts - spe­ci­ally adap­ted dwel­ling and sani­ta­ry con­ta­i­ners for cli­ma­ti­cally deman­ding envi­ron­ments - help to sol­ve the shor­tage of scho­ol spa­ce even in so challen­ging envi­ro­ments such as the Swiss Alps. In the alpi­ne resort Hasli­berg, our com­pa­ny assem­bled the clas­ses for pupils from the 1st to 3rd class. The con­ta­i­ners are equip­ped with a spe­cial roof and insu­lati­on so that stu­dents can feel com­for­table in the con­ta­i­ner scho­ol as well as in the stan­dard scho­ol. Con­ta­i­ners meet the hygi­e­ne, heat-tech­ni­cal, sound-insu­ling and sta­tic requi­re­ments for alpi­ne school.