On March 31, 2010 we are going to intro­du­ce a MUNI­CI­PAL MODU­LAR CONSTRUCTION

22. 03. 2010 | News

At a mee­ting of may­ors from the Sou­th Mora­vi­an regi­on and the Czech-Mora­vi­an Highlands regi­on in Brno on 31.3.2010, we are going to pre­set pri­o­ri­ties of muni­ci­pal modu­lar con­structi­on. Com­pa­red to a stan­dard con­structi­on, pro­vi­des the muni­ci­pal modu­lar con­structi­on (as a modu­lar kin­der­gar­tens, scho­ols, reti­re­ment homes, sports faci­li­ties, kit­chen, dining rooms and so on) an advan­tage espe­ci­ally in the saving the money. That means the cities will pay for the same con­structi­on as the clas­sic ones about 30% lower, a rate of modu­lar buil­dings is incom­pa­ra­ble - we deli­ver two-clas­sro­oms scho­ol within two mon­ths of the order, and a pri­o­ri­ty is that the muni­ci­pal modu­lar buil­ding can be disas­sem­bled and moved to a new location.