Super VIP sani­ta­ry containers

19. 06. 2011 | News

In coo­pe­rati­on with an Euro­pe­an expert in the field of mobi­le sani­ta­ry sys­tems - the com­pa­ny TOI TOI & DIXI, our com­pa­ny deve­lo­ped and pro­du­ced exclusi­ve sani­ta­ry con­ta­i­ners. The­re were pro­du­ced two pro­to­ty­pes of exclusi­ve sani­ta­ry con­ta­i­ners for men and women. For the sani­ta­ry con­ta­i­ners was used the highest qua­li­ty equi­p­ment. Sani­ta­ry con­ta­i­ners are equip­ped with spe­cial lighting, audio equi­p­ment and video. Ent­ran­ce into these con­ta­i­ners is throu­ght the auto­ma­tic glass doors. Infor­mati­on on occu­pan­cy or vacan­cy of cabins give you the spe­cial line of LED in gre­en or red colour. Applied aty­py­cal cas­set­te faca­de also give the con­ta­i­ners a luxu­ry exppression.