20 years at the market

09. 10. 2012 | News

In Octo­ber it was just 20 years sin­ce our firm ente­red the mar­ket. We cele­bra­ted this anni­ver­sa­ry in the Con­gress Cen­t­re in Zlín designed by the archi­tect Eva Jiřič­ná. We cho­se this pla­ce on pur­po­se, because the reacti­ons of the pub­lic to this archi­tec­to­nic mas­ter­pie­ce have been ambi­gu­ous as much as are the reacti­ons of the gene­ral pub­lic to modu­lar archi­tectu­re. Some peo­ple admi­re and sup­port it; others reject it and use pejo­ra­ti­ve words when tal­king about it. However, we will keep pro­mo­ting modu­lar buil­dings and archi­tectu­re. That is why, in con­necti­on with our anni­ver­sa­ry, we have pub­lished, in coo­pe­rati­on with CTU, a book called I (love) Modu­le, which will be intro­du­ced in more detail. Eve­ry visi­tor got this book, a flower and a sty­lish t-shirt. The cele­brati­on was a suc­cess. At the begin­ning, the direc­tor and owner of the com­pa­ny, Mr Mar­ti­nec, expres­sed his thanks for the coo­pe­rati­on say­ing that we could be proud of what we had cre­a­ted during tho­se twen­ty years, but at the same time, we should be hum­ble, so that we could con­ti­nue in being suc­cess­ful at the mar­ket and being the lea­der in the field of modu­lar buil­dings. He also expres­sed his thanks in the form of well­ness coupons for the peo­ple who work for the com­pa­ny from the very begin­ning. We were by no means bored at the fes­ti­ve eve­ning. We enjoyed the clas­si­cal dan­ce show of Micha­e­la Patá­ko­vá with Mar­tin Vel­fl and the show of Anna Zdrá­ha­lo­vá and Matěj Ran­dák who took us to Mou­lin Rou­ge in Paris. We dan­ce and lis­te­ned to the excellent Marathonband music band. During the eve­ning we also enjoyed the Afri­can rhy­thms pla­yed by the group of drum­mers MONIM­BA and the dan­ce of its women dan­cers who­se rhy­thmi­cal move­ments made us get rid of all the rema­i­ning stress. We were also offe­red a rich banquet. We all enjoyed the eve­ning and we belie­ve that we will cele­bra­te our next jubi­lee in the same spirit.