Doors Open Day

24. 09. 2012 | News

On Satur­day, Sep­tem­ber 22, we orga­ni­zed a Doors Open Day for all who were inte­res­ted in to see our pro­ducti­on and faci­li­ties that we have built up over twen­ty years of busi­ness. Visi­tors could see how is a modu­lar con­structi­on made. We are ple­a­sed to hear the prai­ses of our sophis­ti­ca­ted pro­ducti­on. For the who­le day DJ pla­yed the sensi­ti­ve­ly selec­ted music and men­ti­o­ned the pro­gram. Fire­fi­gh­ters from Vizo­vi­ce showed fake fire show and for the who­le day they allowed the visi­tors, espe­ci­ally chil­dren, to see and test the­ir equi­p­ment. The all visi­tors enjoyed an acti­on well, they did not have time to be bored. Vari­ous acti­vi­ties were pre­pa­red for all visi­tors, e.g. in-line ska­te com­pe­ti­ti­on for chil­dren, jum­ping in the infla­table cast­le, pain­ting the con­ta­i­ners, exa­mi­ning skills in sawing wood and screwing or riding a Segway. For each akti­vi­ty the visi­tors got coun­ters that were exchan­ged for some snack or drink. The high­li­ght of the day was a show of the Walla­chian strong­man named Iron Zekon“, which pushed a maxi­mo­du­le using the arrow stic­ked into his neck. More pho­tos can be seen in the report of Podřev­ní Podřev­nic­ko here.