Modu­lar foun­dati­on for employe­es of KOMA

15. 08. 2012 | News

The archi­tectu­ral offi­ce Chybik+Kristof is the author of a new modu­lar foun­dati­on for our com­pa­ny­’s employe­es. Young archi­tects during the­ir stu­dies have par­ti­ci­pa­ted seve­ral times in archi­tectu­ral com­pe­ti­ti­ons focused on the topic of modu­lar deve­lo­p­ments, which we have been hol­ding regu­lar­ly sin­ce 2006. In modu­lar deve­lo­p­ment, young archi­tects see the futu­re of deve­lo­p­ment, which they also want to pro­ve throu­gh modu­lar con­structi­on at our site.

The sub­ject of this work is pro­ces­sing of a pro­po­sal for a pre­mi­ses with a com­bi­ned functi­on of locker rooms and dining faci­li­ties for employe­es at the site of the com­pa­ny Koma. The pro­po­sed buil­ding is inten­ded to repla­ce the exis­ting no lon­ger sui­table premises.


The main aim of the pro­po­sal is besi­des ensu­ring decent con­di­ti­ons for employe­es also cre­ati­on of a pre­mi­ses that would well repre­sent our com­pa­ny and express spe­ci­fic cha­rac­te­ris­tics of the KOMA modu­le sys­tem. The con­cept for the buil­ding is based on the idea of two clear­ly defi­ned volu­mes. In the ground flo­or the main ent­ran­ce to the site has been pro­po­sed along with faci­li­ties for employe­es con­sis­ting of new locker rooms and a lar­ge dining area.Locker rooms

A sys­tem of clear­ly defi­ned divi­si­on of flo­ors for inter­nal and exter­nal use and stay are­as. The for­mal lay­out of the ground flo­or in con­trast with the ter­se volu­me of the dining area in the flo­or shows the con­structi­on and aesthe­tic poten­tial of the modu­lar sys­tem. The locker rooms have been pro­po­sed cle­ver­ly with direct con­tact to sani­ta­ry faci­li­ties and out­si­de terraces.Dining room

The dining room is inten­ti­o­nally loca­ted on a flo­or. It invol­ves sym­bo­lic relief from the work pro­cess, which ensu­res necessa­ry calm and rela­xati­on during snack and lunch time. This prin­ci­ple also sup­ports the ope­rati­o­nal logic of a new con­structi­on design. Throu­gh its hori­zon­tal mass and ori­en­tati­on not only towards com­pass sides, but also main­ly towards the enti­re pro­ducti­on site, it sup­ports necessa­ry iden­ti­fi­cati­on of all pro­fes­si­ons with the­ir work locati­ons. The avai­la­bi­li­ty con­cept is based on the idea of joint cate­ring for all pro­fes­si­ons, regar­dless of com­pa­ny hie­rar­chy. In con­necti­on with the main volu­me of the dining room, we recom­mend out­do­or terra­ces for dining in the sum­mer months.Legibility of con­ta­i­ner­sThrou­gh selecti­on of a collecti­ve solu­ti­on, a show room will be cre­a­ted for pre­sen­tati­on not only of con­structi­on and mate­rial possi­bi­li­ties of the modu­lar sys­tem, but for com­pa­ny cul­tu­re and the relati­on­ship to all pro­fes­si­ons as well.Construction

The buil­ding is com­pri­sed of M3 type modu­les, which are used in two sizes. 16 modu­les with basic con­structi­on dimensi­ons of 330030009000 mm and 3 modu­les with basic dimensi­ons of 330030007500 mm. The mant­le is pro­po­sed in the 1st abo­ve-ground flo­or in two vari­ants a) a mant­le from poly­car­bo­na­te boards, b) a mant­le cre­a­ted from PUR insu­lati­on and ven­ted clad­ding. The 2nd abo­ve-ground flo­or is fit­ted with glass along the peri­me­ter. The kit­chen faci­li­ties and the stoc­king area in the 2nd abo­ve-ground flo­or is fit­ted with san­d­blas­ted glass. Sha­de is ensu­red by out­do­or tex­ti­le blinds.name Employee faci­li­ties and ent­ran­ce spa­ces for KOMA MODULAR.