Faci­li­ty for SKANSKA

01. 08. 2012 | News

The com­pa­ny SKAN­SKA pre­f­fer modu­les with gal­va­ni­zed fra­mes for its faci­li­ties of per­ma­nent buil­dings. Besi­des the faci­li­ty for plant in Jih­la­va we have also bulit up a two-sto­rey buil­ding for the wor­kers of the com­pa­ny SKAN­SKA in the spring, 2012. The buil­ding is loca­ted near the town Zlín, next motorway in the village Tlu­ma­čov. Modu­lar faci­li­ty is used main­ly as chan­ging rooms with sani­ta­ry faci­li­ties and a day room.