Scho­ol for Finland

15. 07. 2012 | News

In coo­pe­rati­on with the Fin­nish com­pa­ny Alfa Modul, we deli­ve­red our first modu­le scho­ol to Fin­land. Alfa Modul is still com­ple­ting the terra­in adjust­ments and will lea­se the enti­re five-clas­sro­om scho­ol. Lea­sing of scho­ol faci­li­ties is a popu­lar method of sol­ving tem­po­ra­ry shor­tages of scho­ol capa­ci­ty in Scan­di­na­vi­an coun­tries. Our com­pa­ny carried out a com­ple­te deli­ve­ry of top con­structi­on, inclu­ding an acous­tic view and an EPS anti-fire sys­tem. Fin­land is known for its posi­ti­ve relati­on­ship to natu­re, and this is ano­ther rea­son why the enti­re scho­ol has been designed to have the least possi­ble impact on the environment.