Design sto­re in Germany

17. 05. 2012 | News

In Lower Saxo­ny, not far from the town of Lüne­burg, the­re is a design sto­re that has eve­ry­thing an offi­ce, showro­om and ware­hou­se need. The owner of the sto­re is a young suc­cess­ful design engi­neer who focuses on fur­nishing inte­ri­ors. His work ran­ges from tables to lighting sys­tems. It is no coin­ci­den­ce that he is men­ti­o­ned here; the focus of his work is impor­tant to what we do.We would all like to design our own hou­se to reflect not only the con­text of the pla­ce but also our per­so­na­li­ty. Any archi­tect would cer­ta­in­ly agree that one of the pri­ma­ry cri­te­ria in desig­ning is the per­so­na­li­ty of the inves­tor. Thus it is under­stan­da­ble that the pre­mi­ses whe­re a young Euro­pe­an designer he sells his designs and works eve­ry day must meet his artis­tic needs.The ori­gin of the set of seven Stan­dar­d­Li­ne series resi­den­tial con­ta­i­ners is evi­dent at first glan­ce. This trend is qui­te well estab­lished in Euro­pe and, unli­ke the Czech Repub­lic or Slo­va­kia, the look of the con­ta­i­ners is con­si­de­red a plus in a cer­ta­in con­text. It under­li­nes fre­e­dom and a cha­rac­te­ris­tic con­ta­i­ner sty­le. In Euro­pe and worl­dwi­de we can see efforts to ado­pt the con­ta­i­ner, some­ti­mes even metal and ware­hou­se-type look of many designs that are often put toge­ther out of recycled naval con­ta­i­ners. Despi­te that, the design sto­re main­ta­ins a cer­ta­in ori­gi­nal look which forms a natu­ral con­trast with the con­ta­i­ner ori­gin of the buil­ding. The showro­om and offi­ce area are illu­mi­na­ted by domi­nant front win­dows that offer a clear view of the front of the buil­ding. The suspen­ded upper sto­rey is sup­por­ted by a ste­el gir­der that even emphasi­zes the refe­ren­ce to the metal look cut throu­gh with light“ of naval con­ta­i­ners. The rear of the upper sto­rey is a ple­a­sing sight for visi­tors and wor­kers with its pro­tru­ding woo­den terra­ce, which sets off the metal look nicely.

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