Luxury sanitary containers to VIP areas at the European Football Championships 2012 - KOMA MODULAR (en)

Luxu­ry sani­ta­ry con­ta­i­ners to VIP are­as at the Euro­pe­an Foot­ball Cham­pi­on­ships 2012

20. 04. 2012 | News

After the suc­cess­ful deli­ve­ry of luxu­ry sani­ta­ry con­ta­i­ners Pre­mi­umLi­ne with which the com­pa­nies ToiToi&Dixi and ADCO equip the VIP are­as at the World Cup and Euro­pe­an Foot­ball Cham­pi­on­ship, this Ger­man and mul­ti­nati­o­nal com­pa­ny reques­ted us to pro­duct twen­ty eight luxu­ry sani­ta­ry con­ta­i­ners Pre­mi­umLi­ne. These sani­ta­ry modu­les are equip­ped with luxu­ry sani­ta­ry equi­p­ment, MP3 pla­yer and air con­di­ti­o­ning. The com­pa­nies ToiToi&Dixi and ADCO have the­ir sub­si­di­a­ries worl­dwi­de. In the case of pro­vi­ding ser­vi­ce for the World Cup or Euro­pe­an Foot­ball Cham­pi­on­ship, they sup­ply these luxu­ry sani­ta­ry con­ta­i­ners to the­ir sub­si­di­a­ry. The sub­si­di­a­ry pro­vi­des these extra sani­ta­ry modu­les in case of excep­ti­o­nal events any­whe­re, whe­re are requi­red the por­table and luxu­ry modu­les. For excep­ti­o­nal events the com­pa­ny satis­fies its cus­to­mers the sani­ta­ry con­ta­i­ners Super­i­or Line, which are equip­ped with elect­ric glas­sed door, audio and video equi­p­ment and plasma TVs. In April we pro­du­ced six pie­ces of sani­ta­ry modu­les Super­i­or Line for ToiToi&Dixi and ADCO.