Regional Council President's day - KOMA MODULAR (en)

Regi­o­nal Coun­cil Pre­si­den­t’s day

27. 03. 2012 | News

On 27 March we had a pre­ci­ous visit at the com­pa­ny. The pre­si­dent of Regi­o­nal Coun­cil Mr Sta­ni­slav Mišák visi­ted us. Zlin Regi­on Coun­cil regu­lar­ly manages visi­ting the suc­cess­ful com­pa­nies of the Zlín Regi­on. Repre­sen­ta­ti­ves of the Zlin Regi­on, some cities and willages of our regi­on par­ti­ci­pa­ted in visit. This day the Pre­zi­dent cho­se visit­ting the town Vizo­vi­ce and because of we were suc­cess­ful for twi­ce at the announ­ce­ment of the Inno­va­ti­ve Com­pa­ny of Zlin Regi­on, so the Pre­si­dent expres­sed wishes to see a com­pa­ny which twi­ce took a part in this com­pe­ti­ti­on. First, Mr Misak visi­ted muni­ci­pal autho­ri­ty in Vizo­vi­ce, whe­re he was wel­co­med by the May­or of the town, Mr Roman Per­sun and Depu­ty May­or, Mrs Zuza­na Štal­ma­cho­vá. After that the who­le dele­gati­on went to our com­pa­ny and was wel­co­med by manager and owner of com­pa­ny Mr Sta­ni­slav Mar­ti­nec. At first he had short­ly intro­du­ced our com­pa­ny and invi­ted visi­tors to see our modern pro­ducti­on plant. In conclusi­on we showed them our indi­vi­du­al pro­duct lines in com­pa­ny­’s show room and watched the video with installati­on of modu­lar kin­der­gar­ten in Jih­la­va and video the modu­lar faci­ti­lies for golf pla­yers in Pra­gue. When the Pre­si­dent had seen eve­ry­thing he agre­ed that the award of the Inno­va­ti­ve com­pa­ny of Zlin Regi­on is in good hands.