Evaluation of year 2011
15. 03. 2012 | News
From 9.3. to 11.3., our company eavaluated the last year 2011 and determined goals for the year 2012. Medium-term business strategy for the next three future years was introduced to empoyees. SKI hotel in Nové Město in Moravia was chosen for this event. This hotel is situated near the place, where KOMA recently built sports facilities. The building of sports facilities was the biggest action for inland trade in the past year. Program of the evaluation is the same for many years. At first was shortly evaluated the work of heads of individual departments themselves. They informed their colleagues what was going well and what was not so good. The second day is reseved for sport or cultural activities. This year we had a course of communication. The second evening is tradically dedicated to award the prizes called ‚Oskar‘ in categories „Komačka“ (the best woman of KOMA), „Komák“ (the best man of KOMA), „Čin roku“ (for person who made something special during the year), „Objev roku“ (is the person, who is new at KOMA or is in new possition or got more popular etc.) and the last prize is „Síň slávy“ (it is for people who are the best, they are ussually in KOMA for a long time etc.)
The year 2011 was one of the most successful years. We have finished the fourth stage of plant developmnet with the addition building of the new hall and we bought new machines that make production easier and we will be ahead of the competition. We manged to open the second full shift and we had to manage a new staff recruiment including a new organizational structure. We have started with sophisticated production planning.
At the time when credit rating agencies deteriorate a rating of individual countries, our bank increase a rating. We kept in planned limits the majority of economic indicators. Plann of turnover was fulfilled so we had planned the last year.
We were succesfull mainly at foreign markets, we deepen cooperation with our business partners and we made new contacts. We were not so succesfull at inland trade as we planned, but we still, compared with competitors, do better turnovers.
In the Research and Developement Department, designers developed a new sanitary container VIP, blast-resistant containers, concrete floors, new modules for Benelux, that are in accordance with new standards, and a lot of another technical solutions which brought the market.
We manage a conference on modular construction in Bratislava in Slovakia, we evaluated the 5th annual of architectural competition and we announced the 6th annual of architectural competition, we promote our products at fairs in Bratislava in Slovakia and in the capital city Lima in Peru.
The points where we were not so succesfull this year we have planned again for this year. And we have also new ambitious planns. We hope that political responses will not be so fatal and we should not dramatically re-evaulate the plans.