We have ope­ned a new sophis­ti­ca­ted pro­ducti­on facilities

02. 01. 2012 | News

After the Christmas holi­da­ys, at the begin­ning of 2012, direc­tor of the com­pa­ny KOMA MODU­LAR CON­STRUCTI­ON, Mr. Mar­ti­nec wel­co­med his empo­ly­e­es in the new pro­ducti­on hall. We got the new hall and CNC machi­nes in part from our own funds and part­ly from EU sub­si­des. The new pro­ducti­on hall ser­ves as pre­pa­rati­on workshop and wel­ding pla­ce for gal­va­ni­zed ste­el con­structi­on. We had to adjus­ted the pro­duct pre­pa­rati­on workshop to new teghno­lo­gies. Our com­pa­ny uses a sophis­ti­ca­ted 3D Catia soft­ware for dra­wings. We have com­bi­na­ted infor­mati­ons sys­tems, pro­ducti­on plan­ning and machi­nes CNC and thanks to it our com­pa­ny manages to respond to new challen­ges in the field of modu­lar con­structi­on. The 4th stage of deve­lo­p­ment of our pro­ducti­on plant was finished by the open­ning the hall.