Modu­lar faci­li­ties for used KIA cars

05. 11. 2012 | News

For a long time, pro­gres­si­ve inves­tors have bene­fi­ted from modu­lar con­structi­ons. The same applies to the faci­li­ties for the sale of mode­ra­te­ly used KIA cars loca­ted at the city exit from Bra­ti­sla­va to Wien. The used car sale is loca­ted on a hired land, so KIA cho­se a modu­lar con­structi­on. In case that the lea­se gets ter­mi­na­ted, KIA will not lose its inves­ted capi­tal, as the com­pa­ny will easi­ly relo­ca­te the modu­lar offi­ce to a dif­fe­rent pla­ce. As KIA pri­des itself also on its image, for the sale of used cars the com­pa­ny cho­se a modu­le that has an ALU­CO­BOND alu­mi­ni­um facing and the inte­ri­or is divi­ded by a san­d­blas­ted glass par­ti­ti­on. In this way the faci­li­ties of the sales repre­sen­ta­ti­ves under­li­ne the qua­li­ty of the cars that are being sold, which con­trasts with some of the used car sales that use as its bac­kground faci­li­ties the unattracti­ve rus­ty Portakabins.