KOMA SLO­VA­KIA making sup­plies to Volkswagen Slovakia

20. 10. 2012 | News

We are ple­a­sed to inform you that our sis­ter com­pa­ny KOMA SLO­VA­KIA has been appro­ved and selec­ted as the sup­plier for the enti­re Volkswagen Group. This autumn the com­pa­ny will lea­se a spa­ce modu­le offi­ce buil­ding for Volkswagen Slo­va­kia, the pro­du­cer of the popu­lar brand Tou­a­reg and the sup­plier of com­po­nents for the enti­re Volkswagen Group. We are very ple­a­sed that even our sis­ter com­pa­ny KOMA SLO­VA­KIA has been accep­ted by this giant car pro­du­cer. Volkswagen has deci­ded to appro­ve our sis­ter com­pa­ny KOMA SLO­VA­KIA as its sup­plier also with the help of the fact that our pro­ducti­on plant KOMA MODU­LAR runs a cer­ti­fied pro­ducti­on and with the help of refe­ren­ces regar­ding the sup­plies to the renow­ned Euro­pe­an and mul­ti­nati­o­nal firms, as well as the fact that we are the only com­pa­ny in the Czech and Slo­vak Repub­lic that pro­du­ces dwel­ling con­ta­i­ners and modu­les with gal­va­ni­zed fra­ming. Car pro­du­cers do appre­ci­a­te gal­va­ni­zed modu­les as com­pa­red to modu­les made of the stan­dard black metal pla­tes that are pro­du­ced by our com­pe­ti­tors. A modern car pro­du­cer would not suc­ce­ed in the mar­ket with body­work made of black metal plates.