Stage V of KOMA site con­structi­on underway

30. 05. 2013 | News

On 1 June, KOMA gets underway stage V of the com­pa­ny site deve­lo­p­ment pro­ject, who­se focal point is the new modu­lar faci­li­ties and sta­ff dining room. The exis­ting locker rooms and dining room were gra­du­ally put out of use during May. This pro­cess will cul­mi­na­te on 31 May 2013 and on 3 June, we will start to build a modern structu­re out of lar­ge-for­mat Com­fort­Li­ne series modu­les in the area of the old locker rooms and dining room.

The site was aga­in designed by the young Brno archi­tects Chy­bík + Krištof, who alrea­dy show­ca­sed the­ir skill under the first edi­ti­on of the archi­tectu­ral com­pe­ti­ti­on entit­led Modu­lar Archi­tectu­re laun­ched by our com­pa­ny. It was then that Krištof - then still a stu­dent - was awar­ded one of the main pri­zes for his resi­den­tial hou­se design. The new dining room and locker rooms site will offer an attracti­ve design not only in terms of the modu­les but also in terms of the qua­li­ty of archi­tectu­re. On the ground flo­or, the­re will be a sta­te-of-the-art dining room with faci­li­ties. The actu­al installati­on of the new modu­lar site should be laun­ched at the begin­ning of July. The newly erec­ted site is lin­ked to the installati­on of the uti­li­ty lines and the buil­ding of an access road to the sta­ff par­king lot, which will emer­ge at the pla­ce of the for­mer main­te­nan­ce depart­ment. The expec­ted ope­ning date of the new dining room and locker rooms is Sep­tem­ber 2013.