KOMA laun­ches the unique City modules

30. 05. 2013 | News

KOMA Modu­lar has lived up to its repu­tati­on as one of the most inno­va­ti­ve firms in its field, laun­ching a unique CITY modu­le, which is practi­cally unri­valled in the sec­tor of resi­den­tial modu­les. The first pla­ce whe­re the adap­ted ver­si­on of CITY modu­les appea­red was the cour­tyard of the Gover­nors‘ Pala­ce, Mora­vi­an Galle­ry in Brno. They attrac­ted the atten­ti­on of the pub­lic the­re with its wall-free design, pro­vi­ding the galle­ry visi­tors with spa­ce to rest at the pla­ces that had no full-fled­ged pur­po­se befo­re the installation. 

What makes the CITY modu­les by the Chybík+Krištof AA archi­tectu­ral stu­dio par­ticu­lar­ly unique is the­ir sha­pe. Inde­ed, they are not in the regu­lar sha­pe of a cube, but that of a tra­pe­zo­i­dal prism. The archi­tects designed a pro­to­ty­pe, for who­se sha­pe KOMA Modu­lar drew a patent. This aty­pi­cal sha­pe offers vari­ous attracti­ve modu­lar assem­b­lies from an archi­tectu­ral and artis­tic point of view. After len­gthy con­si­de­rati­ons we wan­ted to pro­vi­de the cus­to­mers with some­thing unique also in the field of ren­tals. But when the archi­tects Chy­bík and Krištof came up with the CITY modu­le idea, we were enthusi­astic. CITY modu­les may be an excellent solu­ti­on for both small sca­le ent­re­pre­ne­u­rs and orga­ni­sers of fes­ti­vals, but also for com­pa­nies which intend to illustra­te the­ir unique­ness via the­ir pro­per­ties and headquar­ters“, Mar­tin Hart expla­i­ned the inten­ti­ons of KOMA, which plans serial pro­ducti­on for both ren­tals and sales.