About con­ta­i­ners in a container

31. 05. 2013 | News

Modu­lar and con­ta­i­ner archi­tectu­re is beco­ming incre­a­sin­g­ly com­mon in the Czech Repub­lic. The West Bohe­mi­an capi­tal of Plzeň is one of the towns hos­ting the unique Con­ta­i­ners to the World“ pro­ject in May and June 2013, which may be regar­ded as the first tru­ly impor­tant step in lin­king the container/module phe­no­me­non and the pub­lic spa­ce. KOMA Modu­lar Mar­ke­ting Direc­tor was invi­ted to take part in the event as one of the ori­gi­na­tors of the I Love Modu­le“ book to deli­ver a lectu­re on modu­lar archi­tectu­re and modu­lar construction. 

The idea to rele­a­se a book on modu­lar archi­tectu­re came from our com­pa­ny, which fully finan­ced the rele­a­se of the book thus giving itself its 20th anni­ver­sa­ry gift in the autumn last year. The qua­li­ty of the book is attes­ted not only by the fact that it was rele­a­sed by the ČVUT pub­lishing com­pa­ny, but also by its soci­e­tal impact, which mani­fes­ted itself, among other things, by the invi­tati­on to take part in the Con­ta­i­ners to the World“ fes­ti­val. Mar­tin Hart thus got a chan­ce to pre­sent a phe­no­me­non, which, for now, is not so com­mon in the Czech Repub­lic - modu­lar archi­tectu­re - as well as to answer detai­led ques­ti­ons in the field of pro­ducti­on, con­structi­on and the possi­bi­li­ties of modu­lar con­structi­on in a dis­cus­si­on with the audience.