KOMA helps people affected by floods
30. 06. 2013 | News
During the last month our country was hit by heavy rains, which in many cases brought bad floods. In KOMA RENT we have decided to help people who were affected by these floods, lost their assets or even the roof above their heads. We have offered them to use several of our live-in containers/modules for free. Among the first villages which asked us for assistance were České Kopisty, or rather the Terezín City Hall, which requested three live-in modules for three families in distress.
The flood has retrieved already, and even though the village looks intact from a distance you would find there saturated soils and watermarks left on buildings. Destroyed assets or things are waiting to be collected and shipped to a dumpsite. People are tired from the cleanup operations and they suffer from feelings of insecurity and helplessness.
Our two vehicles cannot easily access the location due to a lack of operational space and due to rainy weather but despite all this we were able to manage and help the Zikmund’s, the Humlovy’s and the Vránovy’s families We believe that our containers/live-in modules will help them. In the light of commercial projects, which we need to stay in business, this small project looks like nothing but the human gratitude and sometimes even tears of joy are well worth the efforts.