Social flats for the Ger­man City of Hamburg

04. 04. 2013 | News

Modu­lar con­structi­on has seve­ral fun­da­men­tal and domi­nant advan­tages – the spe­ed of con­structi­on, ver­sa­ti­li­ty and com­pe­ti­ti­ve pri­ce. Com­pa­nies abroad have been aware of these clear cut pro­per­ties for a num­ber of years alrea­dy, resi­den­tial con­ta­i­ners being com­mon­ly used both for per­ma­nent or medi­um-term housing as well as for edu­cati­o­nal or busi­ness rela­ted pur­po­ses. One such exam­ple invol­ves one of the last pro­jects add­res­sed using the KOMA sys­tem. This invol­ves 11 resi­den­tial hou­ses inten­ded for social housing pur­po­ses in the Ger­man City of Hamburg.

The con­structi­on was imple­men­ted by the Ger­man COM­MA, which added a secon­da­ry sad­dle roof to the buil­dings. The resi­den­tial hou­ses are a home to 40 under­pri­vi­le­ged and migrant fami­lies. The nine resi­den­tial hou­ses each have four flats, the rema­i­ning two con­ta­in a laun­d­ry and a social room in addi­ti­on to the three flats. Each flat has its own bathro­om, social ame­ni­ties, a kit­chen and two or three rooms. The full on-site con­structi­on peri­od unbe­lie­va­bly las­ted for mere two weeks!