Bene­šov kin­der­gar­ten for 112 children

31. 03. 2013 | News

At the end of 2012, KOMA built ano­ther kin­der­gar­ten, this time in Bene­šov. Even this pro­ject con­fir­med the growing trend in using modu­lar con­structi­on when add­res­sing the acu­te shor­tage of scho­ol pre­mi­ses. We are ple­a­sed at the fact that the trend star­ted by KOMA in the Czech Repub­lic is gai­ning momentum.

The sto­reyed kin­der­gar­ten in Bene­šov con­sists of 44 Stan­dar­d­Li­ne series modu­les and offers room for 112 chil­dren with the sur­fa­ce flo­or of 888 m². The buil­ding con­ta­ins 4 clas­ses, a food ser­ve­ry, social faci­li­ties, locker rooms and faci­li­ties for the employe­es. A food lift is also pro­vi­ded. The sco­pe of sup­plies inclu­ded the car­ca­ss for Pra­dast, which fina­li­sed the kin­der­gar­ten. KOMA sup­plied the exter­nal walls inclu­ding the anthra­ci­te alu­mi­ni­um hole fil­lings. Pra­dast added par­ti­ti­on walls, sani­ta­ry equi­p­ment inclu­ding water mains and the exter­nal Dekme­tal faca­de to the building.