Radi­o­the­ra­py extensi­on at the Nový Jičín Hospital

31. 03. 2013 | News

Buil­ding on tried co-ope­rati­on with heal­thca­re insti­tu­ti­ons abroad we may now, at the onset of the new year, also pre­sent one of the first heal­thca­re pro­jects in the Czech Repub­lic. Via PRO­BI, KOMA sup­plied an extensi­on to the radi­o­the­ra­py ward at the Nový Jičín Hospital. 

The extensi­on con­sists of 7 Stan­dar­d­Li­ne series modu­les at the flo­or area of 171 m². The new part of the hospi­tal con­ta­ins four medi­cal offi­ces and a tra­i­ning room. What makes this pro­ject spe­cial is its con­necti­on to the exis­ting buil­ding, which is a tra­di­ti­o­nal con­structi­on. Yet the KOMA modu­lar sys­tem suc­ce­e­ded in smo­o­th­ly lin­king the two buil­dings althou­gh the­ir under­ly­ing con­structi­on tech­no­lo­gies are very different. 

The extensi­on to the Nový Jičín radi­o­the­ra­py thus demon­stra­tes the gre­at ver­sa­ti­li­ty and adap­ta­bi­li­ty of the KOMA modu­lar sys­tem. The faca­de is designed with hori­zon­tal corru­ga­ted she­ets, whi­le the inter­nal walls and par­ti­ti­ons con­sist of fib­re cement Fer­ma­cell slabs and the cei­lings are made of pain­ted plasterboard.