Tri­ga Part­ners Offi­ce Building

31. 03. 2013 | News

The KOMA sys­tem modu­lar con­structi­on suc­ce­eds in fin­ding more and more appli­cati­ons in the Czech Repub­lic. This was aided to a gre­at extent by the addi­ti­on of the Ther­mowo­od solid wood among the faca­de mate­ri­als, which, once used in a num­ber of golf resorts and at the Biathlon resort in Nové Měs­to na Mora­vě, also came to be used in the Tri­ga part­ners Offi­ce Building. 

This manu­factu­rer of glass, glass panes and par­ti­ti­ons, based in Džbá­nov u Vyso­ké­ho Mýta, used the ver­sa­ti­li­ty of modu­lar con­structi­on and appro­a­ched the assig­n­ment as a mul­ti-pur­po­se site. On the ground-flo­or of the sto­rey buil­ding con­sis­ting of eight 8×3 m modu­les, the­re are offi­ces and a sam­ple retail out­let. The first flo­or of the buil­ding con­ta­ins the locker rooms. The unique advan­tage pro­vi­ded by the buil­ding is main­ly its ultra rapid con­structi­on time, which caused practi­cally no disrup­ti­on to the exis­ting ope­rati­ons of the com­pa­ny and almost instan­ta­ne­ous­ly offe­red the new pre­mi­ses required.