Mobi­le bake­ries whe­re they are needed

31. 03. 2013 | News

The KOMA modu­lar sys­tem is designed for small out­lets and shops that may be easi­ly relo­ca­ted with the use of an opti­mal solu­ti­on. OME­GA CZ, which has until then sup­plied machi­ne­ry, equi­p­ment, feed­stock and ser­vi­cing to baking ope­rati­ons rea­li­sed this. Its new busi­ness invol­ves sup­ply of uni­ver­sal mobi­le outlets.

KOMA is ple­a­sed at the pro­spect of pro­du­cing tai­lor-made bake­ries for its part­ner. Following the out­lets in Hulín and near Jih­la­va, we pro­du­ced ano­ther out­let for Pra­gue. The Pra­gue out­let dif­fers from the pre­vi­ous bake­ries with the num­ber of modu­les, flo­or area and the ser­ving win­dow inten­ded as a dri­ve-in. OME­GA offers such mobi­le out­lets in 10 ver­si­ons con­sis­ting of two KOMA modu­les and in 2 ver­si­on con­sis­ting of a sin­gle KOMA module.