First modu­lar KOMA kin­der­gar­ten out of the luxu­ry Com­fort­Li­ne modules

28. 03. 2013 | News

We must pro­vi­de no further evi­den­ce to the effect that KOMA modu­les may be used to con­struct a qua­li­ty kin­der­gar­ten. The one that is loca­ted in Brno however deser­ves clo­ser atten­ti­on. It is the first kin­der­gar­ten assem­bled out of Com­fort­Li­ne series modu­les. These unique luxu­ry modu­les have been deve­lo­ped by our com­pa­ny and they have lite­rally no competition.

The kin­der­gar­ten con­sist of the mere 7 modu­les at the ove­rall flo­or are of 227 m². The Com­fort­Li­ne series modu­les are no only unique by wholly deny­ing the con­ta­i­ner appea­ran­ce, but also thanks to the­ir dimensi­ons. A sin­gle modu­le has the dimensi­ons of 9x3.6m at the clear hei­ght of 2.7m. The­re­fo­re they allow cre­a­ting lar­ge spa­ces with no columns, which is espe­ci­ally practi­cal for kin­der­gar­tens, pro­vi­ding the chil­dren with suf­fi­ci­ent spa­ce to move unrest­ric­ted­ly. The pla­y­ro­om con­sis­ting of 4 modu­les thus offers the luxu­ry spa­ce of 130 m².

The selecti­on of the inte­ri­or mate­ri­als pla­ced a gre­at deal of emphasis on design and luxu­ry appea­ran­ce whi­le in the sani­ta­ry part, vio­let glass par­ti­ti­ons were selec­ted as well as mer­ry lining and sof­te­ned PVC in the playroom.