Modular support facility in the most modern aqua park in Novomlýnské water reservoirs near Mikulov - KOMA MODULAR (en)

Modu­lar sup­port faci­li­ty in the most modern aqua park in Novo­mlýn­ské water reser­vo­irs near Mikulov

14. 06. 2013 | News

At the begin­ning of sum­mer holi­da­ys, one of the lar­gest and most modern aqua parks in the Cen­t­ral Euro­pe was ope­ned. It is loca­ted around the sho­res of Novo­mlýn­ské water reser­vo­irs in Paso­hláv­ky near Miku­lov, Czech Repub­lic. KOMA com­pa­ny in Paso­hláv­ky has built here a modu­lar bac­kground sup­port area for waterskiing.

Aqua park Aqua­land Mora­via covers a squa­re area of near­ly eight foot­ball fields and thanks to gre­at ser­vi­ces and ame­ni­ties it stri­ves to reach out to Czech visi­tors but also to fore­ign visi­tors, main­ly from the near­by Aus­tria. Based on these high goals we can clear­ly see that this aqua park must be unique in many ways, not only thanks to attracti­ve water­sli­des and fun acti­vi­ties, but also thanks to bac­kground sup­port faci­li­ties con­struc­ted for aqua park sta­ff and for guests. That is why the inves­tor selec­ted our com­pa­ny to build the water­skiing sup­port faci­li­ties. The big­gest attracti­on is water­skiing which uses spe­cial pul­ling appa­ra­tus without the need to use powerboats.

We are glad that modu­lar KOMA con­structi­on ser­vi­ces rea­ched such high qua­li­ty levels that high­ly deman­ding cus­to­mers are seeking its ser­vi­ces. Ano­ther posi­ti­ve aspect is the fact that many guests will visit these faci­li­ties and the­re­fo­re will have a firsthand chan­ce to expe­ri­en­ce the high qua­li­ty of KOMA con­structi­on pro­ducts. That is why we stri­ve to make sure that our pro­ducts com­ply with the highest qua­li­ty stan­dards, as these pro­ducts spe­ak for themselves. 

The inves­tor deci­ded to use modu­lar KOMA sup­port faci­li­ty due to con­structi­on spe­ed. Ori­gi­nally, the enti­re con­structi­on pro­ject was to be made out of wood, but len­gthy nego­ti­ati­ons with archi­tects and sup­pliers jeo­par­di­zed the final com­ple­ti­on date, which also cre­a­ted extra cost risks. That is why the Hun­ga­ri­an inves­tor tur­ned to us because he saw our gua­ran­tee of the highest qua­li­ty, pri­ce, deli­ve­ry date and finally, adequa­te design, which actu­ally follows the ori­gi­nal woo­den design. Further­mo­re, the buil­ding deli­ve­red by our com­pa­ny gua­ran­te­ed com­pli­an­ce with the necessa­ry fire safe­ty resistan­ce requi­re­ments, structu­ral loads and ther­mal insu­lati­on pro­per­ties. Our cli­ent also liked the fact that all necessa­ry docu­ments requi­red for smo­o­th buil­ding final acceptan­ce pro­cess were deli­ve­red by our com­pa­ny free of any errors and in time.

Finally, we may say that the suc­cess­ful rea­li­zati­on of this pro­ject fits exact­ly our idea about KOMA modu­lar con­structi­on methods, which does not only focus on the con­structi­on pro­cess itself, but also on pro­vi­ding com­plex and high-qua­li­ty services.